
Body Mind Centering Workshop with Michal Shahak - From April the 7th until April the 11th - Musrara, Jerusalem

As lots of things had jumped on to me since this second trip to Israel Palestine, this workshop with Michal came really on purpose for me. It gave me a safe place and the specific time to relate to my whole experience in this project in particular and in my life in general.

I've been leaded to reconsider the skin as the medium through which I'm in contact to the world.
I firstly deal with my environment trough my skin. My skin travels in between spaces and times. It's trough it that I'm transformed, changed by my interactions and experiences with the world.
I started to updated myself with my sensibility. How do I sense with my skin since then ?
I also feel that I have patterns from which I had developed ways to sense.
This BMC practice helped me to use my skin not only as a poetic imaginary or fantasy but as a concrete reality to experience and to embrace. Then it gave me tools to deal with the awareness I keep on developing trough experiences in life and work by performing, encounters, eating, travelling, fucking ...

The work on organs with balloons drove me to feel how much I could extend my physical limits.
How much my skin could come to another level of sensation where my body sensation go wilder than my actual physical limitations. Strange feeling to loose the sense of the end of your own body.
Means that my body was melting with the body of others or the floor.
Nothing really did belongs to me any more.

The practice of Kastugen Undo (in between meditation and an energetic practice) made me relate to my daily being in Jerusalem and further to the notion of consent. How do I deal with my self and consent ? This issue of consent for me has to deal with my degrees of acceptance, towards my self and the others, my physical and mental limitations and my amount of self authorisation.
I took conscience about my own limitations. I ask my self until where do I let enter the outside in my inside ? And what do I allow/accept my self to go to ? I think that this workshop provided me time, space and tools to observe all of this dialectic between limitation, acceptance, self authorization and consent. I finally could work on how and how much to authorize myself, trough reconsidering and rebalancing this infinite dialogue with my self in my present environment.
Ouh, Big bloc !

I also went to a point where I could grab the circulation between moves, thoughts and space.
Mind is body and body is mind. It was amazing to point this out !

I need the other to feel my self.
I need the flesh of the other to be able to feel my own flesh.
My thought are not enough.

Talking about experience, observing it and named it is what I did. Body Mind Centering brings time and space to dig into life experience from a specific angle.
I hear Michal saying “... It's about being..”.
“But dance is about being, and life is all about being !” Came my reply.


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